Friday, July 24, 2009

Personal : First week in UG..

It was a very hectic week after officially being an undergradute student. There was so many registration that I need to do with, and of course without any help from my friends I won't survive in this. As early as the first minute we had checked into respective room, my friends and I were busy to choose the best tutorials and labs that suits well with our SLEEPING TIME..Luckily, as far as I concerned, we managed to obtain the intended class.. With 50 students, well you know, Civil Engineering students make up the least among all students in our batch..and the trends continues towards new intakes in July 2009..
After all, our existence will be diminish from the sight of UTP sad..
Anyway it is easy to choose the tutorials as the number of students is small, the lecturers prefer to make it in one class instead two or three..Thus we are not seperated from each other..
I have passed this week and eager to wait what will come out next..
Till then stay tune with me..

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